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Victoria Harbour, Hong Kong

01 Jul 2024 HKU inaugurates New Cornerstone Science Laboratory 2023
01 Jul 2024 HKU Medical Professor Xu Aimin receives State Natural Science Award (Second Class Prize)
27 Jun 2024 HKU Ecologists reconstruct the history of biodiversity in the Indo-Australian Archipelago and its rise as a hotspot
27 Jun 2024 HKUMed develops a novel and rapid normal human cell ageing system, advancing anti-ageing molecule discovery
26 Jun 2024 HKUMed and Harvard world-first study finds statins reduce the relative risk of cardiovascular diseases by over 20% in adults aged 75+ with high cholesterol in Hong Kong
25 Jun 2024 HKU Mechanical Engineering researchers discover a simple crystal with ultralow thermal conductivity, contributing to experimental investigations that expand materials repertoire for thermal insulation and thermoelectrics
24 Jun 2024 HKU Chemists develop a concise approach to access L-cyclodextrins, setting the stage to explore the mirror-image world of the century-old naturally occurring cyclodextrins
20 Jun 2024 HKU and ILOA signed MoU to partner on the ILO-C Chang’E-7 moon lander mission launching 2026
19 Jun 2024 Breakthrough in 0.05 Tesla MRI reported by HKU Engineering team in Science journal
18 Jun 2024 Five HKU scholars ranked first in Asia in respective disciplines by Research.com
16 Jun 2024 Pioneering the future of biomedical innovation - HKU ABIC holds International Symposium on Biomedical Research Translation 2024
11 Jun 2024 HKUMed’s world-first ‘Liver-in-Cube’ wins Gold medal at International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva, advancing precise cancer treatment
11 Jun 2024 The HKU Jockey Club Enterprise Sustainability Global Research Institute launches inaugural forum to pioneer ESG best practices
07 Jun 2024 HKUMed 10-year territory-wide comprehensive study finds local AHA patients are double that of Caucasian populations, offering insights to improve survival rates
05 Jun 2024 HKU eDNA & eEcology Lab initiated the first international eDNA workshop in Hong Kong, empowering next-generation eDNA researchers

